What is Penn Clubs?
Penn Clubs is meant to be your central source of information about student organizations at the University of Pennsylvania. Keep discovering new clubs throughout the year, not just at the SAC Fair. If you are looking for official university support resources, check out
How can I provide feedback?
We're so excited to let everyone at the University of Pennsylvania contribute to the development of Penn Clubs! Your feedback is incredibly important to us. Have any questions or comments? Find any bugs?
Please let us know on our feedback form.
Why do I have to log in?
Logging in allows us to create an account for you on Penn Clubs. This gives you access to many useful features!
- When you bookmark a club, it will be saved to your bookmarked list. You can use this to keep track of clubs you're interested in, or a part of.
- When you subscribe to a club, you'll receive notifications about that club. The club will also be able to add you to their mailing lists.
- You'll be able to see events that clubs post to Penn Clubs.
- You can also be invited to join club member lists.
- Finally, you'll need to log in if you want to use your administrator permissions to edit a club page.
How do I use this site?
The #1 way to use this site is to browse clubs at the University of Pennsylvania! You can:
- Search for clubs by name, and use filters like Tags (tags that describe the club), Size (number of members), and Application (if applications are required to join)
- Bookmark clubs to keep track of them
- Browse information that clubs post: description, how to get involved or services that are offered, student experiences
If you run a club, make sure your club has a page on Penn Clubs! This lets other students find out about your organization and how to get involved.
How do I edit an organization’s profile?
You’ll need to have administrator permission for that organization. We originally invited people as administrators based on information submitted by clubs to SAC during Spring 2019.
- If you did not receive administrator permission and you believe you should have, let us know at vpul-orgs@pobox.upenn.edu and we will work with you to verify your request.
- If your club did not submit this information previously, we've been contacting clubs by their listed email to ask for the names of people who need administrator permission. You can also email us at vpul-orgs@pobox.upenn.edu and we will work with you to verify your request.
Note that there are 2 levels of administrators: Officers and Owners. Officers are able to edit the page, invite other members, and grant administrator permissions. In addition to those abilities, Owners are able to deactivate or delete the club page.
Why I can't find an organization on Penn Clubs?
Sorry about that! We’re in the process of making Penn Clubs as comprehensive as possible, creating the first complete directory of student organizations at the University of Pennsylvania.
- If you're an administrator of a club and it does not exist on Penn Clubs, you can add your club using the form found here.
- If you're an administator of a club and it already exists on Penn Clubs, email vpul-orgs@pobox.upenn.edu to gain edit access for your club.
- Otherwise, if you're not the administrator of the club but would still like for it to be added to Penn Clubs, please email vpul-orgs@pobox.upenn.edu.
If you have any questions about the club creation process, please email
Who is responsible for approving clubs on Penn Clubs?
Newly created clubs require approval from the
Office of Student Affairs in order to comply with university guidelines. When your club requires review, it will be added to a queue that is periodically checked by the Office of Student Affairs. You will be notified via email when your club has been reviewed.
How are clubs ordered on Penn Clubs?
here for details about our club recommendation algorithm.
I have another question!
Special Thanks
Thank you to the organizations below for their support in launching Penn Clubs! We're excited to continue building this valuable resource together.