How are clubs ordered?
The order that clubs appear on the home page for the default ordering method is determined by several criteria. A recommendation algorithm uses these criteria to ensure that students receive the best experience when browsing for new clubs and that clubs can effectively reach their target demographic.
How does the club recommendation algorithm work?
The recommendation algorithm uses the following non-targeted criteria to determine how to order clubs on the home page. Clubs are ordered by points, and then this ordering as adjusted based on personalized data. The points obtained from these categories is calculated and saved once per day at 4 AM, so make your changes early! The criteria are:
If your club has upcoming events registered on Penn Clubs, it will be prioritized on the home page a short period before and during the event. Only events shorter than 16 hours are eligible.
If a club application is currently open for your club, it will be prioritized while that application is still open.
Having your club members displayed on Penn Clubs provides more points of contact for questions about your club.
Adding relevant tags to your club can help prospective students find the clubs that they are interested in. If you cannot find at least 2 relevant tags for your club, please email contact@pennclubs.com and we will work with you to find something appropriate.
Having contact information is important for prospective members who want to know more about the club. Social links can be used to give students a better idea of what you do and the events that you hold.
Bookmarks are a method for Penn students to show interest in yourclub. The more bookmarks you have, the higher your club will appear.
Adding a logo to your club can make your club more recognizable. The logo is shown on the homepage before the user clicks on your club.
Adding a subtitle is a quick change that can give students more information about your club without having to visit your clubpage. The subtitle is shown on the homepage before the user clicks on your club.
Adding a description helps students learn more about whether or not a club is a good fit for them. Clubs without a description will therefore appear lower on the homepage. Longer and more detailed descriptions are awarded bonus points.
Adding some testimonials help students gain perspective on what participating in the club is like.
Prospective members want to know how to participate in your club. Omitting this section will result in a large ordering penalty.
Clubs that have not been updated in the last 8 months will receive a small ordering penalty.
Clubs that are marked as inactive will be shifted to the very bottom of the list. You can easily renew your club from the settings tab in the manage club page.
A random factor is applied periodically in order to ensure that students see new clubs when they visit Penn Clubs.
The algorithm also attempts to personalize search results for logged in users, based on the following criteria:
Adding tags will case the club to appear higher on the home page for students who are interested in those tags. Clubs that have specified fewer tags are more likely to appear higher than clubs that have specified more tags, for relevant students.
Adding target schools will cause the club to appear higher on the home page for students in those schools. Clubs that have specified fewer schools are more likely to appear higher than clubs that have specified more schools, for relevant students. Specifying all of the schools is the same as specifying none of them.
Adding target majors will cause the club to appear higher on the home page for students in those majors. Clubs that have specified fewer majors are more likely to appear higher than clubs that have specified more majors, for relevant students. Specifying 10 or more majors is the same as specifying no majors.
Adding target years will cause the club to appear higher on the home page for students in those years. Clubsthat have specified fewer years are more likely to appear higher than clubs that have specified more years, for relevant students. Specifying all of the years is the same as specifying none of them.